Giddy up Misty and Oink says the piggy
Giddy up Misty
None of our horses is called Misty, but we have 4 beautiful horses, our little Jé taime is retired, Boudi aka Buller is our noise box, he makes trouble and teases the other horses. Littla and Nanna are our two Icelanders and they very much like to take children around on a small horseback ride. We like to arrange riding tours for children or adults, please contact us.
Prices: 1 hour riding DKK 250 per person
2 hours riding DKK 500 per person
Oink says the piggy
We have had our “Danish landrace” pig for a number of years now, and they enjoy themselves with mud baths and nasal plowing of our fields.
There is a rich wildlife on Houdam besides cows, horses and pigs.
You also meet
- Rabbit
- Chickens
- Ducks
- Peacock
- Cats
- The dog Sille